We are factory trained and authorized to sell and service Kohler, Generac Industrial, Briggs & Stratton generators and, Asco Switch gears, and John Deere engines

  • We service what we sell and all other generators.
  • Our technicians are available 24/7.
  • Our technicians are TQP certified.
  • Northern New Englands largest service team.

Map highlighting Vermont, New Hampshire, and parts of surrounding states in the northeastern United States.


At Brook Field Service we highly recommend regular generator maintenance – annually or semi-annually – and offer a variety of maintenance plans in Vermont and throughout the New England region. We provide maintenance on all generators we sell, as well as other brands, and offer only the best technicians available.

Of note, Brook Field Service typically saves its commercial customers 35% on repair service and preventative maintenance.

We offer maintenance plans for all existing customers, as well as on generators we did not sell. Call us today for a maintenance plan for your generator.

Service & Installation

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