Brook Field Service

Residential Installation

Brook Field Service
Residential Installation

Few scenarios for a family are met with as much universal frustration as waiting out a power outage in the dark. A power outage interrupts a family’s daily routine and forces life to be put at a pause until the power returns.

In the Northeast, power reliability is marred by blizzards, flooding, and an outdated grid.  We stand by the sentiment that “Every home in New England deserves a generator”, because NO ONE should be without power. Brook Field Service understands the importance of home energy dependence. A 5-minute outage is a disruption, but a lengthy outage could cause serious damage.

Brook Field Service is Vermont’s most trusted generator provider. In fact, we are the number one dealer in the State for both Briggs & Stratton and Kohler.

Our turnkey service, and our dedication to customer satisfaction is how we have stayed in business for over 40 years. At the push of a button, you can “power up” and provide the comfort and safety you want, when you need it the most.

“Wherever you live, forces of nature can leave you without power for 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days or more. A power outage means no heat, no lights, no refrigerator, or hot water. A 5-minute outage is a disruption, but a lengthy outage could cause serious damage.

Most homeowners think generators are too costly to purchase and often don’t know where to start when it comes to looking for a generator. Residential, or home generators, come in many different forms as well as different price points. At Brookfield Service, our professional staff can help you determine what’s best for you.”




FREE Residential Generator Quote

Contact Brook Field Service today to learn more about our FREE residential generator installation services.

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Get Started

Person operating machinery to install a small structure outdoors near electrical equipment on a grassy area.

What size generator do I need?

Each home is different, and draws more or less power than their neighbors. We will send an engineer out to your house for a FREE site review, to determine your power consumption and emergency power needs.

How expensive are home generators?

Home standby generators are an investment in your property. By no means cheap, these units are a heavy financial investment. However, we offer low interest plans that fit most budgets.

Never lose power again. No worrying. No more cold and dark nights. No uncertainty. No more wasted food. No more showerless days.

How soon can you install a generator at my house?

If you call today, we can typically organize a site review at your property within two to three weeks. After which, we develop a quote, and once approved, can install within another two weeks.

However, with some seasons busier than others, so please understand we will do our best to serve you as soon as possible.

Brook Field Service